
School Assistant, Spaces, Shift Unit, Camera Call, and more apps to check today


A distinctive application to help students study, the best application for converting currencies and measurements, an application that enables you to save your photos and videos in a secure folder with a secret number, and more to check out today.

1- School Assistant

1- School Assistant

An integrated application for students to manage your homework, lessons and classes. Through the application, you can organize your school or university duties and upon completion of any assignment you can specify within the application. You can also design a schedule within the application so that the application becomes the schedule of your classes or your university lessons and there is a list dedicated to tests through which you can follow The dates of your exams, and there is a file scanner inside the application in case you want to photograph any file. You can also use the application in the remote study. For example, the class can create an account to add assignments for all users of the application from the same classroom.

2- Spaces

An editorial application for writing and recording notes. The application is very simple and has a clean interface to focus on writing only. Personally, I like a lot for this type of application. It helps you focus on one goal and write without distraction. The application has many features that make the writing experience fun and you can change the font style and show the words in a different color and align the texts, a complete writing experience without any complexity in the interface.

3- Shift Unit

I would not be surprised if someone mentioned to me that this is the best app for converting currencies, measurements, timing, lengths and more. The application provides you with converting times between almost all countries of the world, converting between any currency you can think of, converting between different longitudinal measurements, weights, temperatures, mass, angles and much more. The application has 5 full stars and everything in it is wonderful.

4- Camera Call

This application does not need a lengthy explanation that you are tired of manually recording the numbers when you want to call a number registered on a piece of paper or a picture, through this application you can only photograph the number quickly and call it with just one click.

5- iTranslate Lingo

One of the easiest applications to teach languages ​​The application provides you with 14 languages ​​to learn through simple and easy activities and a simple and clear interface for learning. The application will provide you with various activities such as building sentences through selected letters that you arrange and recognize the pronunciation to correct your pronunciation of words and others. You can track your progress through the progress panel App and see your completed points.

6- Secret Photo Vault

6- Secret Photo Vault

An application to save your photos and videos in a secret locker with a secret number. You can also, through the application, make a backup copy of your photos and videos and synchronize them in a dedicated account if you want to use the same application on more than one phone, knowing some of the features that need membership.
