
Here are 10 of the Most Common Car Malfunctions and How to Repair Them Yourself


 Occasionally, automobiles experience malfunctions, necessitating a visit to the mechanic's workshop, consuming both time and money. However, on certain occasions, the issue may be minor, allowing you to undertake the repair independently.

All machines are prone to malfunctions and require maintenance, including automobiles that we rely on for commuting to work, home, and other destinations. Therefore, I present to you the most significant common automotive malfunctions and the respective self-repair methods. Additionally, I will indicate when it is necessary to consult a mechanic for their resolution.

Here are 10 of the Most Common Car Malfunctions and How to Repair Them Yourself

In addition to replacing a punctured car wheel, there are numerous malfunctions that can be repaired on the vehicle. Among the most significant ones are as follows:

1. Elevated Engine Temperature

   The escalation of engine temperature stands among the most prevalent car issues, often indicating a serious problem within the engine. Detecting and rectifying this issue can be accomplished by following the subsequent steps:

   - Examine the coolant level and replenish it with water if it is insufficient.

   - Inspect all parts of the cooling system for any signs of coolant leakage.

   - Evaluate the functionality of the radiator and cooling fans.


   If none of the aforementioned signs are present, the cause could potentially be a malfunctioning thermostat, a damaged water pump, or faulty pipes. In such cases, it is advisable to seek assistance from a mechanic for repairs.

2. Car Battery Depletion

   Modern car batteries typically last around 80,000 kilometers (2-5 years). However, unexpected battery depletion may occur due to various factors, including: 

   - Accidentally leaving lights and electrical devices on overnight.

   - Battery terminal corrosion.

   - Natural battery wear and tear over time.

   - Malfunctioning alternator in the vehicle.

   - Faulty charging circuitry.

   The simplest solution to address a depleted battery is to jump-start the car using cables connected to a functioning donor vehicle or to recharge the battery with an external charger to restore its energy storage. If this issue persists, it is recommended to replace the battery with a new one.

3. Car Paint Cracks

   While not the most significant car problem, paint cracks can worsen over time and become a serious concern, such as rusting of the car's body and the proliferation of moisture and mold within the vehicle's interior. The primary causes of paint cracking and damage include:

   - Cleaning with concentrated chemical agents.

   - Paint erosion due to direct exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun.

   - Use of low-quality cleaning products.

   - Repeated exposure to acid rain.

   This issue can be resolved by employing high-quality paint coatings and utilizing car canopies or external covers for protection.

4- Hearing the Screeching Sound of the Brakes

 Hearing the screeching sound of the brakes is considered an indication of a serious problem. This is because brakes are essential for stopping the car in normal and emergency situations. Often, the cause of brake screeching is worn brake pads, and the solution is to replace them. Alternatively, the issue could be due to dirt, in which case they should be thoroughly cleaned.

Neglecting brake problems in a car should not be taken lightly, as they can lead to serious accidents such as collisions, pedestrian accidents, or falling off cliffs due to the inability to stop the vehicle in a timely manner.

5- The vibration of the Steering Wheel

The steering wheel should be responsive and stable under normal circumstances. The vibration of the steering wheel indicates damage to the mechanical components responsible for securing it. In some cases, when the steering wheel vibrates at higher speeds, the problem may be related to wheel imbalance. One suggested solution to address this issue is regular wheel alignment and equal tire inflation. If the problem persists after these adjustments, seeking assistance from a specialized mechanic is necessary.

6- Excessive oil consumption

Excessive oil consumption can lead to engine wear. Therefore, it is important to regularly change the oil to maintain engine efficiency and prevent oil filter clogging. When you feel a decline in engine performance or see the oil warning light flashing, it is necessary to replace the oil and address the problem immediately.

It is recommended to change the oil filter and engine oil after covering a distance of 8,000-12,000 kilometers. The type of oil used for the engines should not be commercial or unsuitable for your car's engine type.

7- Rapid fuel consumption

Rapid fuel consumption is associated with driving at high speeds. However, the possible causes of this problem include:

- Air filter dirtiness.

- Fuel filter clogging or dirtiness.

- Malfunctioning spark plugs.

- Issues with oxygen sensors or carbon dioxide gas sensors.

Cleaning or replacing the filters periodically is the most suitable solution for this problem. If the issue persists after adjusting the filters, it is necessary to visit a specialized mechanic.

8- Excessive smoke emission from the exhaust

Excessive smoke emission from the exhaust usually appears colorless. In winter, the smoke may become more visible due to the temperature difference between the hot smoke and the cold air. However, when the exhaust produces excessive smoke, it indicates a serious problem in the engine. The type of problem can be identified based on the color and smell of the smoke, as follows:

- White or gray smoke indicates coolant leakage, so you can check for leaks and repair them.

- Thick blue smoke suggests damaged piston rings or valve seals, allowing oil to enter the combustion chamber. In this case, the seals should be replaced.

- Black smoke means that the engine is burning excess fuel due to fuel injector leakage or a fuel pressure regulator malfunction. The only solution in this case is to have the car repaired by a mechanic.

9- Melting of the fuse

 Melting of the fuse is a protective component added to the electronic devices in the car. When exposed to high temperatures caused by high-voltage electric currents, the devices can be damaged, and the fuse will melt, cutting off the circuit.

Fuse melting may lead to the car's shutdown, but this issue can be easily repaired by replacing the fuse with a new one. You just need to locate the fuse box in the car, usually located under the dashboard or beside the instrument panel, remove the melted fuse, and go to an auto parts store to replace it with the same type.

10- Replacement of Ignition Spark Plugs

The ignition spark plug is imperative for initiating combustion and engine rotation, as it generates the initial spark that sets the car in motion within the gap between its electrodes. Over time, this spark plug deteriorates due to minute erosion of its nickel and copper electrodes, causing the gap between them to widen, thereby inhibiting the passage of the spark from the first electrode to the second.

The replacement of ignition spark plugs can be easily accomplished by removing the worn-out plug and acquiring a new ignition plug to be installed in its place.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Amro M. Elshurafa, a researcher at the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) in Saudi Arabia, highlights that there are approximately 15 million gasoline-dependent vehicles in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Replacing 25,000 of these vehicles with electric vehicles would lead to a reduction of 67,000 tons of carbon emissions. This finding was published in the Electricity Journal in 2020.

The utilization of electric vehicles may signify a reduction in carbon emissions, environmental preservation, and an overall enhancement of public health. Additionally, it can mitigate the prevalence of common malfunctions in fossil fuel-based vehicles, as electric vehicles require less maintenance compared to their fossil fuel counterparts.
